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webhosting berbayar terbaik di malaysia?
- jaki2jipangs
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18 years 1 month ago #15566
by jaki2jipangs
Replied by jaki2jipangs on topic Re:webhosting berbayar terbaik di malaysia?
z_dane wrote:
aku rasa baik ko jangan beli lagih. Sebab baru2 nih dia kata nak buat promosi hujung tahun. tulis 11hb Dec. tp sampai skrg xupdate lagih. Bila pun aku takpasti. tapi pasti ada promosi kot.
kalu ko beli skrg kang nyesal lak mcm aku dulu sebab terawal beli sebelum promosi hekhek...:dry:
aku nak join cgyhost gak ni, ade sesape nak rekemen pakej mana2 ataupun ade kopun ke
aku rasa baik ko jangan beli lagih. Sebab baru2 nih dia kata nak buat promosi hujung tahun. tulis 11hb Dec. tp sampai skrg xupdate lagih. Bila pun aku takpasti. tapi pasti ada promosi kot.
kalu ko beli skrg kang nyesal lak mcm aku dulu sebab terawal beli sebelum promosi hekhek...:dry:
18 years 1 month ago #15776
by z_dane
Replied by z_dane on topic Re:webhosting berbayar terbaik di malaysia?
betul daa, dah kuar pun offer diaorg. Promosi sempena pejabat baru buka.

18 years 1 month ago #15792
by whwm2020
Replied by whwm2020 on topic Re:webhosting berbayar terbaik di malaysia?
Smlm aku dapat msg dari CGYHost yang menyatakan bahawa mereka membuat promosi... Promosinya ialah pakej Lin05G (5GB storage & 60GB Bandwidth) RM70/tahun. Disamping itu, anda akan memdapat free domain TLD selama setahun. Maksudnya free domain utk yang baru nak register la. KOD KUPON : OPEN-PROMO ... harap maklum...:whistle:
17 years 6 months ago #20211
by shoradhi
Replied by shoradhi on topic Re:webhosting berbayar terbaik di malaysia?
sapa dapat email promosi lagik!!!ingat nak angkut CGY gak r...
17 years 5 months ago #20328
by Fuqaha
Replied by Fuqaha on topic Re:webhosting berbayar terbaik di malaysia?
1. BEFORE KORANG BELI, check php.ini server dulu. Mintak webhost hantar php.ini diorang.
2. Sape target user? Kalo dari region Asean, gune server M\'sia.. tapi kalo most dari oversea, cube cari server dari US. Although most users aku dari US (sbb Joomla), tapi aku gune M\'sia gak - baguih la server aku skrg ni, still laju. hehe..
3. Macam mane korang define terbaik ? a. Sanggup bayar mahal utk service premium? b. Nak murah, tapi space besar? c. Murah, besar, service pon bagus? d. Mahal, secure and reliable?
Kalo nak c, aku recommend mesrahosting.com. aku penah try CGY , tapi with all due respect, its not up to my expectation.
Dulu aku gune Eternalsolutions.com.. service bagus. tapi malangnye since aku gune Joomla, tak ngam sbb diorang disable php /temp/ directory and takde DOXML module.
pastu aku tukar gune mesrahosting.com. Best, support pon laju, and optimum utk Joomla aku. Sbb monthly bandwidth blog aku dlm 45-55 Gb, so mmg sah lah first month aku gune pon tak cukup sbb sebulan limit bandwidth 50Gb je.. Aku then buat agreement ngan diorang, kalo diorang naikkan bandwidth, aku letak banner diorang. hehe..
Lepas ni, untuk project client2 aku seterusnya, aku most probably akan gune www.hostmonster.com (US). 300Gb space, 300Gb bandwidth, 10 Domain. Mahal.. tapi utk long term, bagus.
2. Sape target user? Kalo dari region Asean, gune server M\'sia.. tapi kalo most dari oversea, cube cari server dari US. Although most users aku dari US (sbb Joomla), tapi aku gune M\'sia gak - baguih la server aku skrg ni, still laju. hehe..
3. Macam mane korang define terbaik ? a. Sanggup bayar mahal utk service premium? b. Nak murah, tapi space besar? c. Murah, besar, service pon bagus? d. Mahal, secure and reliable?
Kalo nak c, aku recommend mesrahosting.com. aku penah try CGY , tapi with all due respect, its not up to my expectation.
Dulu aku gune Eternalsolutions.com.. service bagus. tapi malangnye since aku gune Joomla, tak ngam sbb diorang disable php /temp/ directory and takde DOXML module.
pastu aku tukar gune mesrahosting.com. Best, support pon laju, and optimum utk Joomla aku. Sbb monthly bandwidth blog aku dlm 45-55 Gb, so mmg sah lah first month aku gune pon tak cukup sbb sebulan limit bandwidth 50Gb je.. Aku then buat agreement ngan diorang, kalo diorang naikkan bandwidth, aku letak banner diorang. hehe..
Lepas ni, untuk project client2 aku seterusnya, aku most probably akan gune www.hostmonster.com (US). 300Gb space, 300Gb bandwidth, 10 Domain. Mahal.. tapi utk long term, bagus.

17 years 5 months ago #20336
by shoradhi
Replied by shoradhi on topic Re:webhosting berbayar terbaik di malaysia?
hang story r sikit ur reasons kenapa reject CGYHost?
aku mmg plan nak angkut mesia nyer..
satu lagi nak tanya lah memandangkan ko dah bgtau, dlm php.ini tu ape yg perlu alert@tegok?
aku mmg plan nak angkut mesia nyer..
satu lagi nak tanya lah memandangkan ko dah bgtau, dlm php.ini tu ape yg perlu alert@tegok?
17 years 5 months ago #20447
by fungkur
<p>spit it out !</p>
Replied by fungkur on topic Re:webhosting berbayar terbaik di malaysia?
antara salah satu kelemahan cgy ni yg aku tgk la kan die punya online sapot tu kureng.. jarang online, kalu ade pon lambat bertindak sket. tp bukan lah bermakna cgy tu x bagus terus. bahagian lain diorg mmg ok sket dari segi performance site, billing, panel. tapi tu lah.. online support tu kureng sket..
ade gak hosting lain yg aku pakai, online support die mmg bagus btol. baru buat support request die dah balas dah. malam2 buta pon. tapi performance server die plak hampeh. sabo je laa..
mesrahosting.com? hhmm.. nampak cam besh je ni... :side:
ade gak hosting lain yg aku pakai, online support die mmg bagus btol. baru buat support request die dah balas dah. malam2 buta pon. tapi performance server die plak hampeh. sabo je laa..
mesrahosting.com? hhmm.. nampak cam besh je ni... :side:
<p>spit it out !</p>
17 years 5 months ago #20453
by shoradhi
Replied by shoradhi on topic Re:webhosting berbayar terbaik di malaysia?
aku try konyek2 orang kat mesrahosting td...lama gak ler aku tggu, xde respone even on9
- amzarramza
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16 years 10 months ago #23100
by amzarramza
Replied by amzarramza on topic Re:webhosting berbayar terbaik di malaysia?
thank for the information....
16 years 10 months ago #23110
by shafique
Replied by shafique on topic Re:webhosting berbayar terbaik di malaysia?
CGY?? Hampehnyer CSR. mcm nak tak nak jer layan org. Ntah ler skang tgh aim IPServone. Heh!
- kaoz_baithost
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16 years 3 days ago #31711
by kaoz_baithost
Replied by kaoz_baithost on topic Ruj:webhosting berbayar terbaik di malaysia?
Baithost is the affordable and premium web hosting division of SNA NETWORK Pte. Ltd, part of the SNA NETWORK Groups of companies that has its presence in Singapore, Malaysia, United Kingdom and the USA. Our servers are located in Malaysia, USA and United Kingdom.It is wholely own by Bumiputera Company operating at southern part of Peninsular Malaysia,Johor Bahru
A young, dynamic and honest web hosting provider. Baithost\'s focus is in providing quality web hosting service at an affordable price.
Our unique systems architecture ensures reliability, redundancy and security. With a service uptime record of 99.9%, we are confident that you will receive the best service this industry has to offer.
A young, dynamic and honest web hosting provider. Baithost\'s focus is in providing quality web hosting service at an affordable price.
Our unique systems architecture ensures reliability, redundancy and security. With a service uptime record of 99.9%, we are confident that you will receive the best service this industry has to offer.
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